It’s always such a pleasure to revisit a website I have designed for an artist to see that they are managing to update it themselves!
I just popped in to a site I created for Ruth Thomas at the end of last year: It’s one of my favourite web designs actually. I think it works really well on desktop, tablet and smartphone, and complements her art work well with the grids presenting her complex works in an orderly fashion.
I was delighted to see that, since the launch of her website and the training I provided (help sheets and training videos), Ruth has successfully added 11 News posts unaided. Good work Ruth!!!
Robbie Bushe ( and his partner Catharine Davison ( are two other clients who have really taken the website’s I have created for them (a matching pair!) and run with them. They are now confident to upload new artworks to their Portfolios and post regular news items.