Work Selected For Both SSA and VAS!

Work Selected For Both SSA and VAS!

I was really chuffed to have a piece of work selected for both the Society of Scottish Artists and Visual Arts Scotland’s Annual Exhibitions in the National Galleries of Scotland’s Royal Scottish Academy (RSA) building! Society of Scottish Artists (SSA)...

Close-Knit, a digital book for the iPad

28th December 2013. ‘A fresh view of Scottish social history through the eyes of a contemporary artist.’ Close-Knit is a 50 page digital book for the iPad (a book as an App) published by Coffee Table for those with an interest in contemporary art, Scottish...
Giles Sutherland – Close-Knit, Timespan

Giles Sutherland – Close-Knit, Timespan

2nd September 2010   ‘…this is a credibly fresh attempt to read a series of deeply felt historical events and circumstances from a new perspective with new materials. It succeeds both as art and as a form of social cohesion.’   Full review...
Close-Knit Opening

Close-Knit Opening

24th August 2010. The exhibition opening at Timespan was a huge success, with 56 people attending, including kids. I was delighted! Director of Timespan, Nicola Henderson, kindly opened the exhibition with a few words and this was promptly followed by a brilliant and...